MATCH - New (FREE) Book on Residency Interview Success
NEW book on how to rock your residency interview using the psychology of the interviewer
Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting...
- How To Prepare For Your Interview No Matter What Questions They Throw At You
- Why You Blend In And Look Like Everyone Else (starting on page 7)
- Why The Interviewer Sees You As Risky and What You Can Do About It (page 9)
- You Need To Know The Answers To The Questions You'll Be Asked Ahead Of Time, Right? Wrong!
- What Happens AFTER They Interview You (page 10)
- How To Stand Out... It's Not What You Think (page 14)
- How To Answer THE Fundamental Question... If You Answer This Effectively, You're In (page 24)
- What To Do When They Bring Up A Major Weakness Or Gap In Your Application
- 4 Things You MUST Do Before Stepping Foot Into That Interview (page 28)
...and that's only a little more than halfway through the text.
You’re probably thinking, that sounds like a lot. And you're right. It is.
But it's all doable. So far, no one has shared it with you because no one else has this lens.
But it gets better because you’re also getting...
- An Hour(ish)-Long Webinar On The Psychology of Your Interviewer - When you buy the book, I'll send you an access link to a webinar where I cover much of the material you will find in the book. Some people want to read, and that's fine. But you can watch it, too. (Sometimes watching is better anyway because the tone is clear and you get the advantage of facial expressions and emphasis). Buy the book and you get both.
- 10 Questions You WILL Be Asked - This is only a few pages, but it is pure gold. If I were interviewing all over again, these are the only questions I'd prepare for. The rest, I would just go with the flow
- A Short Checklist Of Important Things You Should Bring To Your Interview - It's too easy to worry more about preparing for the content of our interview, but don't forget these essentials.
- A Mind Map PDF Reference Sheet For The Material In The Book - You get a quick-reference summary of most of the content in the book. The fact is, you will need to practice what you've learned. Who wants to keep referring back to a book or a video? Instead, just use this PDF.
You’re also getting a 4 part audio training on Internship Survival Skills.
During this training, I’ll walk you through exactly which early missteps lead to early career burnout and how to prevent that. And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.